I am sorry you feel the way you do. The Bible has much to say about the reality in which we live, otherwise it could be relegated to a relativistic mythology as the secularists so strongly desire. the Bible specifically address who Created us, and the evidence throughout the pages of Scripture consistently point to it having occurred on a specific day in history. These truths close the door on the justification of many malicious behaviors men are capable of, and is that which our Republic is founded. "All men are created equal."
"If it works for you, great. Putting people in a wood chipper works for me, and you need to just pull back and let me be me. I like to call these experiments science, and your book says nothing about science, so again, back off." Paraphrase of Saddam Hussien.
I understand that you are not personally taking things to that extreme, however according to your logic, cloning, embryonic stem cell research and pre-birth body part farming are in the realm of science and outside the realm of Scripture. Trust me, the courts have used this legal secularist argument since Roe v. Wade, which would have the Founding Fathers turning in their graves. We already had one guy convince 30 million Germans that this was reality, lets not go there again.
Some of the pathways science is taking are fraught with evil intent. Reality must be derived from a Higher Source, otherwise it becomes to each man his own. Then we can wave goodbye to goodness and respect.