Most of them are at work, and I can't disrupt work. I did say early on to the most rabid Hillary worshipper and Bush hater that she could build a shrine to Hillary in her office, and tack propaganda all over her office, but to leave it off the common areas, i.e the fridge, or I wouldn't be able to work with her. So, I've set the rules, and I have to live by them. Other two women are lesbians, so you know i can't go there.
But I do try to infiltrate the minds of as many women as I come in contact with outside the office. And I think I made a difference with a few of them during the last campaign.
Well, the lesbians, I can understand how they like Hillary. I mean with her legs and all...
And mostly I was just giving you crap. I know liberals don't listen to reason. Facts make their heads explode.