I think it is lovely when a divorced person can find a good, strong relationship and bring another parent into the home. Unfortunately, there are a lot of occasions when single people, generally mothers, will move a loser boyfriend into the house. It does seem that live-in boyfriends are particularly dangerous to children.
You say that you intend to stay single and that is very admirable. I agree that it is likely a difficult and lonely thing to contemplate. But I assume that you are doing it because it is best for your children. Many people will not place their children ahead of themselves and will enter into just any kind of relationship to avoid being alone.
Don't overlook the fact that data clearly show, when it comes to child abouse, mothers are the leading the pack.
I have made too many bad choices. I have been married 3 times...the children are from the last marriage...
I don't trust myself to pick a man to be around my children, but I do trust God to choose one for me!
My children will always be first in my life!