Cy -
There is no "enthusiasm" involved. different events, different times, and different people make for different results. What happened to me I would not condone happening to a 15 year-old. At 17 I was 6'3" and weighed 210 lbs and had worked every summer since I was 11, and most winters too.
I was pretty mature for a seventeen year old. Today I do not condone what she did, but when I was 17 I took advantage of it. Over that summer I came to know the woman. We discussed a lot of things. In my heart I do not believe that this would have been a pattern that she would have repeated. I was just as guilty as she was (morally as opposed to technically that is; in reality I bear no feelings of shame or guilt about the episode). It might be hard for some to understand but it is clear in my mind and I guess that's what counts.
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