Please check out my personal page and a post above.
Granted, not much other than what they allowed to be disclosed.
I think it may be possible, as some assert, that the greys or some of the greys may be bioengineered 'suits' for demonic inhabitants. I don't think they all are.
I do think that most of the 9 common ET's are in cahoots with satan toward the global government etc.
I think most ET's are at least keenly observing this boot-camp which The Bible describes as a kind of bootcamp rearing and training Believers to rule and reign with Christ over countless ages and countless galactic clusters, if my inferences are remotely correct. Why wouldn't the 70+ supposedly at least observing be keenly interested in the rearing, training of their eventual rulers?
Evidently some races have no trouble communicating in English etc. and are essentially human in their biological form. IQ seems to be higher and more advanced IF one believes certain givens at face value.
Morality seems to be something else. Most of the groups in contact with our government have evidently proven to be very untrustworthy, devious, ruthless, mercinary, etc. . . . all toward goals we are still having a hard time even guessing at.
Anyway--what's smoke, mirrors, disinformation etc. and what's fact is all very, very, very difficult to even speculate about at this point.
Where do you get all this information (9 types etc.)?