To: drt1
"We have foxes here and I have a question for a knowledgeable FReeper - Can they be domesticated/made into a pet? Anyone know?"
Saw a old Russian documentry about experiments at a fox farm. They took the most non-agressive and laid back foxes and did selctive breeding. It was rather amazing, perfectly tame foxes that were identical to domesticated dogs was accomplished in just a few generations.
Being commie Russians, when they terminated the experiment, they killed and skinned all the tame & friendly foxes for their pelts.
19 posted on
02/05/2005 8:53:09 PM PST by
Ursus arctos horribilis
("It is better to die on your feet than to live on your knees!" Emiliano Zapata 1879-1919)
To: Ursus arctos horribilis
Being commie Russians, when they terminated the experiment, they killed and skinned all the tame & friendly foxes for their pelts. Huh. Well what-a-ya-know. That's the same thing the Bolsheviks did to the tame and friendly elitists and educators at the end of their revolution.
62 posted on
02/06/2005 8:06:04 AM PST by
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