HR418 is only meant to cover 4 items tossed out of the "intelligence bill" know the one that calls for 2000 border guards, but the white house won't fund. Our reps would like us to believe the problem of illegal immigration is being addressed by it. Not much. It will never get through the senate and it does nothing to stem the tide of illegals, but the 4 items in it might be okay, it just doesn't go far enough. Search "immigration" and you'll see posts about it.
Thank you too.
I don't understand your remarks. While I'm extremely concerned about immigration issues I'm even more concerned about police state issues and that's what a national I.D. card will open the door for. Petitioning our senators to vote against H.R. 418 is to prevent national I.D. card legislation from being enacted.
You stated that the Senate wouldn't pass H.R. 418. Why do you think that?