Huckabee and open boarder Republicans are getting real close to treason. I am from Southern California and it is getting bad here, I will not sit while they sell out my country.
We are going to win the war in Iraq and lose the war in Southern California.
As far as I know there are no open border Republicans. You have been listening to the wrong people.
Our border enforcement has been bolstered significantly since 9/11.
You have problems in Southern California that other areas with just as high a concentration of illegal immigrants do not have. That's because Southern California has not addressed the problems like other areas have.
For example, Houston had a serious gang problem that it eliminated in the 1980s by increased law enforcement. LA, which is several times larger than Houston has one-third the police officers. LA's gang problem is a crime problem, not an immigration problem, but as long as they bury their heads in the sand and blame President Bush they will continue to have a problem.
Hospitals, schools, littering,... it's always the same. Address the problem directly and eliminate it instead of whining about Bush and spending three billion dollars on embryonic stem cell research.
Here's the address to Huckabee's website.
I'm going to e-mail him and tell him what I think about his pro-illegal alien policy.
I live in Mexifornia too...