I, for one, deny that the current age has some sudden influx of amoral thinkers. I can't think of any age in history that has not had rationalizing scum in high places, sometimes posing as religious leaders or leaders od liberation movements.
Just as pedophiles seek jobs that place trusting children within reach, so the psychopaths of the world gravitate to positions where they can preach and practice their sickness.
Well of course you are right about this, js1138. Human nature has always tended towards the corrupt, if history is any guide, especially if we look at the personal histories of certain great figures who have shaped human history on the grand scale.
On the other hand, there have been great historical figures who were not corrupt in the general sense; for they had found a moral compass that could hone into a "beyond," from the existential, natural world to its source; and then they let their finding be their guide. Thus is the moral sphere ever validated, down the ages. What they had discovered was incapable of falsification. (And thus not capable of verification.)
Plato was right: Indeed we do live in the metaxy, in the "in-between" of human existence -- in a tension of competing truths, to boil the problem down to its essence.
And that's why "the conversation of thoughtful minds must ever stay open." IMHO FWIW