Would you rather hire a driver that learned on a stick shift on winding snowey mountain roads, or one that only knows how to drive a Mercedes on open highway ?
Sorry, but it's NO DIFFERENT whenever you change computing environments... It simply doesn't matter... When you change from software A to software B, people are going to complain, and you're going to get lots of lost productivity.
I've been part of LOTS of different conversions... Law firms that went from Word Perfect to MS Word. DTP firms that went from WordStar on CPM systems to Word Perfect on PCs. From Informix SmartWare running on MS-DOS to MS Office on Windows 3.1! Intergraph *IX workstations to PCs running Autocad!
And I dare you to try changing someone's email system!
The simple fact is that when you change how someone does their job, bad things WILL happen! It's wrong to claim that "those dumb Mac users can't do anything on their own!" I'd like to see how productive you are on a system that you've never used before. For instance, I wonder if you know how to submit a job using IBM 370 System OS using JCL cards? I used to know how...
"It's wrong to claim that "those dumb Mac users can't do anything on their own!" I'd like to see how productive you are on a system that you've never used before"
If you followed the thread, my point was regarding the teaching and use of MACs in schools, where most of the students will have to re-learn when they get out. I believe this is not a good use of our educational money, a disservice to the students AND the businesses that will hire them.