It's going to get real interesting....this goes deep into the halls of power.
At this point I am inclined to believe Kemp was talked to by Vincent to promote a certain point of view and had no idea about his ties to Saddam and real agenda.
Let's also keep in mind that his "blistering letter" of Dec. 18, 1998 was the original day the impeachment vote was to take place and many believed Clinton bombed in order to avoid the vote, which was held the next day instead.
I am interested but not surprised that out of the whole list of oil recipients, the one person who is getting all the press right now is a Republican who all evidence to date shows was motivated by policy and philosophy, not by a desire to aid Saddam and work against the U.S.
I don't think it is fair to assume that because someone met with Samir Vincent they therefore were aware he was really working on behalf of Saddam Hussein and also was paid via the Oil for Food scam for their positions. Is there any evidence Kemp received money for this? I do not think there is.