It appears that he and his brother have unless enough people can get them to change their minds and get her back on the road to her recovery after putting her in some kind of protective custody.. the problem is that the Hospice of the Florida Suncoast, Inc. and bioethicists,etc. have lobbied on up to the Florida Office of Elder Affairs, and there is even a pdf file that I got from 1992 that has Jeb in it about End of life stuff. Then I heard that one of the persons in legal affairs for Jeb is connected to this Right-to-Die stuff. After I saw this I was like OMG this is the new T4 nazi actions reborn. Then I heard from someone in another country something about our President being in masonry and that other masons couldn't ask him to do anything to stop this murder and that they were trying to introduce the euthanasic principle into the United States while pretending to be for life and starting with Terri. Look up Ken Goodman and Hospice of the Florida Suncoast in Google and you will find this PDF file from Office of Elder Affairs. You can then search under Ken Goodman and Hospice of the Florida Suncoast, Inc. (where Terri is being held hostage and where they are going to attempt to kill her again for a 3rd time by dehydration and starvation) and find them in the document. You can also search in Google for Ken Goodman and see he is against Terri and says she is brain-dead, etc. He was the person who put together the PDF file or was involved and in which Jeb speaks at the beginning of it. He was also on an interview with PBS alongside Johnny Byrd.. Byrd was saying the legislature was going to fix the problem with Terri and that Terri's law was just a temporary stop gap but now it appears that he was lying in regards to the legislature doing anything and was quoted by his office from another on freep that Terri is just one person. But that is what our nation is founded upon is the individual, etc. and what that represents!, etc. at least in part and our inalienable right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness, from God, etc.
and there is even a pdf file that I got from 1992 that has Jeb in it about End of life stuff. Then I heard that one of the persons in legal affairs for Jeb is connected to this Right-to-Die stuff. After I saw this I was like OMG this is the new T4 nazi actions reborn. Then I heard from someone in another country something about our President being in masonry and that other masons couldn't ask him to do anything to stop this murder and that they were trying to introduce the euthanasic principle into the United States while pretending to be for life and starting with Terri.
Not so much "reborn" ... save for its being a Family Tradition of sorts.
Thanks for the flags.