Thanks for the link.
"People advising that we spend more money on education, where the vast majority of the funds go to the existing poorly qualified teachers, is beyond foolish."
Every time some one tells me that we should increase teacher's salaries so we can get 'better' teachers, I ask: "what will you do with the teachers you have"?
This question is guaranteed to upset any teacher since they usually see where this leads.
If the present teachers are not 'better', then they should be fired when you get the 'better' teachers. If they are not going to be fired, then the teachers you have are fine and you don't need to pay more to get 'better' ones.
"If education is so important to these liberals, why do they not allow better qualified teachers the chance to teach by removing union and tenure rules."
Qualified is defined by the NEA, as some one who has taken certain courses in educational methodology. You do know that you can teach any subject without subject matter courses?