Yes, even if you think a child should not walk home unchaperoned, when so-called conservatives get this bent out of shape over a mistake that resulted in no harm, and see no problem with a mother so overprotective that she calls in a TV news crew over it, you see why government keeps expanding.
If this is what "Small Government Conservatives" do the minute "the children" need something, no wonder "our" side keeps losing.
the "hysteria" as you call it, is just outrage that incompetent administrators made a potentially dangerous snafu. yes, the kid is fine, so why cause a ruckus? i mean no one died, no one was maimed right? yes, there should be no repercussions of any sort. we are only discussing incompetent decisions regarding people's children, what harm could possibly come of it?
Maybe you should just stop posting about this subject because you have obviously missed the point.
The issue is not with the child having to walk or not, it's that the school made a decision and never contacted the parent.
I really do not see how the size of the government has anything to do with the principal or vice principal or even the darned secretary or lunch lady calling the mother and letting her know what is going on before she finds out later when her kid never shows up at day care or home.
"If this is what "Small Government Conservatives" do the minute "the children" need something, no wonder "our" side keeps losing."
To the contrary.......these parents object to arbitrary governance supplanting their God-given right to oversee their own child. Parents with children in elementray schools these days know that teachers believe the kids belong to the government. That is what is behind the tenor of response.