Meant to say:
"I'd hate to fly in it, being in one of the middle-middle seats. "
PS. My best flying experience was business class Singapore Airlines across the Pacific, in the 'bubble top' 747. Aaaah.
Several things I don't understand about this plane.
1. I thought the aviation trend was going more to regional jets and smaller "full service" jets. Hence the rise of the Canadian and Brazillian jet industries and Boeing building planes like the 717, 777, 7E7 etc.
2. If this thing is going to be used in 10, mostly Asian, markets I'm not worried about it. I can't imagine many routes in the world requiring this kind of passenger demand.
3. 250? I'm willing to bet you that half or more of that goes to the international cargo market. Want to combat that? C-17 for the civillian market.
4. As was mentioned, what kind of airport improvements need to be made across the board as this thing would be a ground resource PIG.
The general tone here I believe is right on, despite the gripes. I don't see the reason to crow about this plane. 14 billion euros, 35 years, no market driven demand. Did you see a British Air logo on there? I didn't.