But that's how the market works. Other people are willing to do the job cheaper, so companies hire the cheaper folks. When you go to buy something, do you always go to the most expensive place in town or do you shop around a little bit?
Look up the word ILLEGAL. Employers hiring illegals are CRIMINALS. You aren't talking about free markets, you are talking about BLACK MARKETS.
Quote: That's right because the illegals have driven down the wages. Construction jobs in my area used to pay $12-15 hour. Now they pay 8-9.00 because the hispanics have come in an worked for peanuts.
Publius Valerius response:
But that's how the market works
My response:
Boy what did we ever do in the 50's, 60'sand 70's?? Guess your job is not one under threat....for now.
LOL Good explaination. Superiorslots hasn't been the same since the price of his beanie babies crashed on Ebay.
American companies can always find somebody somewhere in the world who is willing to do a particular job at a lower wage than the person currently doing that job. But American companies are supposed to hire from a pool of workers that includes only Americans and legal immigrants. If it were legal to do so, many companies would get rid of all of their American workers and replace them with cheap imported foreign workers.