So what have I missed?
Kerry was very, very late for the hearing. Waiting for his pearls of wisdom about Syria, France and Iraq.
You got here just in time for the breaking news that Kerry has arrived and is now speaking. I KNOW he's going to mention "Vietnam".
Oh PUKE with these opening remarks from Biden to Kerry.
Kerry starts out with Rice saying "You're going to be confirmed and eveybody knows that, But I have reservations, but they aren't personal."
Thank you GOD that the American people had the sense to not elect this traitorous fool.
You are just in time for Kerry.
Rice will set the record straight.
He just spoke of "we have kids who are dying over there". Going out on questionable missions.
They deserve and want a policy. He sounds just like he did during the campaign.
European leaders want to do more, to be part of this.
He mentions there are other areas around the area he'd like to go over with her (like North Korea) but due to time limits he'll start with this.