As much as I dislike (and distrust) Benny Hinn, I don't think he is stupid enough to make such a claim. I think he gives God credit for the power.
He never says he has any power he does give all credit of healings to Jesus Christ. If he claimed he did it, he would be a witch doctor who would be in his house with a few following his cult...
I have NEVER EVER heard Hinn make that claim. I have ALWAYS heard him say that it is JESUS that heals.
With all due respect TommyDale...
He gives God the credit, but don't you have to send 'ol Benny a few bucks before he asks the Lord to heal thee?
And if he gives God the credit for being able to heal people through 'ol Benny, WHY ISN'T HE IN THE HOSPITALS EMPTYING THEM OUT?
(Hint) Watch what he does, don't listen to what he says.