Well, Muslims and Arabs don't portray themselves very well in general, now do they? If they didn't constantly behave in such an uncivilized way, then maybe they wouldn't be portrayed that way.
well let's have a show depicting the wealth of innovative things and inventions they have brought to the world in the last 100 years......showing a can of Penzoil of 1/2 hour may not make the ratings
Hey man, haven't you heard? Islam is the official Religion of Peace! And atrocities committed in the name of Christ during the Crusades are more relevant today than any non-peaceful acts perpetrated by contemporary practitioners of the Religion of Peace.
"Well, Muslims and Arabs don't portray themselves very well in general, now do they? If they didn't constantly behave in such an uncivilized way, then maybe they wouldn't be portrayed that way."
Is murdering one-third of your babies by abortion civilized?