Byrd's mumblings have been incoherent for the past several years. He should have retired for medical reasons, not to mention for the reason that he's a fool.
and this may indded that he will NOT run in 2006 for health reasons. Anyone who watches him on the Senate floor has to notice the marked physical deterioration over the last 2 years..the palsy is much more pronounced. So maybe that's why the memoirs are out now, so that he can gain the adulation of the can't do it post mortem. I long tought that Byrd wants to die on the Senate floor, at his desk, mid speech..but it's possible that if he gets weaker physically, age could become an issue in the election.. what happened to Bunning can't be ignored...I think he won't run the GOP a great shot at the seat.
I'm thinking that there should be manadtory retirement at ( I am streching it) 70.