Washing DC is going to be very tense this Jan 20.
You are basing your opinion on the actions of SanFran LEOs.
Those in DC are prepared to defend the city, the President and those in the Inauguration, and all who come to celebrate the Inauguration, with a bit more vigor. And with a bit more 'preemptiveness' against the hairy unwashed.
Not really, the LEO's in SF do a fine job even though they are hampered by PC politics.
They always acknowledge us as Patriots and know the others are troublemakers.
They were ready...
And with the Protest Warriors on the left, they were protected from the Terrorists parading down the street.
Now that a few days have passed, I imagine you get what I meant by saying that things are going to be tense in DC.
The Anarchists are forming and planning lots of disruptions during the next week.