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To: RockAgainsttheLeft04

There's a battle going on. One isn't a religious fanatic just because he agrees that the Bible speaks against homosexuality. And opposing the open practice and support of homosexuality in our society does not mean that we are more judgmental than others. As you read this, you may be forming some unkind judgmental opinions of me. Even if you are not, a homosexual activist very likely would. We all have opinions, and opinions are formed by making judgments, and they in turn generally result in the formation of further judgments. But not all opinions are as valid as others. So, what is the basis for deciding right vs. wrong? Do you have a basis for such judgment?

The problem with legitimizing evil is that evil begets evil. Thus, we have homosexuals in government persecuting Christians. We have homosexuals in the education system promoting the teaching of homosexuality in our schools. We have homosexuals in Hollywood (and their sympathizers) inserting homosexual themes into almost every program on television and in the movies. Perhaps you don't think this is abhorrent to God. Remember Sodom and Gomorrah. Will God behave differently toward our country than He did to them?

Tolerance of evil is not a virtue, even if you clothe it with words about liberty. You seem to be concerned about religious people endangering the freedom of others. But the real danger today is the promotion of evil under the guise of liberty. The four in Philadelphia are experiencing the results of this. There's a battle going on. It's about liberty and morality. It's about the future of America, and whether America has a future.

60 posted on 01/09/2005 1:48:23 PM PST by Rocky
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To: Rocky

But you have once again failed to see the inherent fallacy of your entire argument. After so many words, so much bloviating, the simple fact is that you are trying to use the power of the U.S. government to confirm your own moral opinions and judgements (some of which are not shared by others), which are taken from the Bible.

Whatever God may or may not say is a sin IS NOT in and of itself an appropriate or justifiable basis for molding law here on Earth. If I were to say to you (honestly) that I believe that you are quite possibly a few cards short of a full deck for your loony "There's a battle going on" comment about homosexuality (really man, what were you thinking?), does that give me the right to have you locked up in a mental hospital? No, because it's just your opinion, and I have mine as well. And the gays have theirs as well. And, yes, no religious or moral opinion is LEGALLY more valid than any other unless it is acted upon in a way that brings physical harm to another person or their property, no matter how stupid or dangerous I might consider them.

My own opinion (just that) is that while homosexuality may be a sin, it is not a crime of any sort, and that it is a horrendous breach of the government's powers to impose their views on the issue on the individual citizens of America. Therefore I actively oppose ANY legislation on the matter, from the unilateral decision of the liberal Massachussetts Supreme Court to the proposed Constitutional Amendment our (mostly) conservative President proposed.

The government which governs best, governs least.

61 posted on 01/09/2005 2:17:26 PM PST by RockAgainsttheLeft04 (Chaos is great. Chaos is what killed the dinosaurs, darling. -- from Heathers (1989))
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To: Rocky

Very good words. I'm glad you were the one to answer the poster before I did.

I couldn't have said it as well as you did!

62 posted on 01/09/2005 2:20:37 PM PST by Cedar
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