And just exactly what the hell does that mean? Nobody is perfect, therefor nobody is allowed to express an opinion? This is typical left wing nonsense. There's a difference between being judgmental and using your judgment. What ever happened to "The only thing necessary for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing". Nobody is perfect, pal. YOU are the one that need to learn that, and stop trying to hide behind it.
Are you out of your frigging mind?!
You sem to be trying to wage some type of cultural war against gays simply because you think the Bible supports it. Well, the Bible supports stoning gays to death as well-- you for that? How about adulterers? How about severely punishing anyone who lifts an object larger than an egg on the Sabbath for "working"?
If you and your fundamentalist, Buchanan-esque types (which feed the wacko left in America the ammunition they need to attack Christians as a whole, myself included) think you can legislate by the Bible, you're sadly mistaken. What happened to the classic conservative belief that we should stay out of people's personal business as long as we don't harm others? What happened to the uniquely American motto: "live and let live"?
Homosexuality may be a sin in God's eyes, but it's a matter of choice on this Earth, and I would never deign to believe myself so holy as to punish a queer for his behavior.
We will all be punished for our sins on judgement day, but I'll be damned if the government is going to get there first in America.