Don't worry. I already know every day where I fall short of the glory of God.
I guess John the Baptist knew too. And the Apostles Paul, Peter, James, etc. But that didn't keep them from declaring the words of God and staying true to Him, even though it cost them their lives.
John the Baptist was arrested and beheaded because he told the king it was not lawful for him to have his brother's wife. (Mark 6:17-29)
Paul and others were arrested and put to death for preaching the words of God.
Remember, our examples are Jesus Christ and those early faithful believers.
I just pray that I will be faithful to the Lord, no matter what happens now or in the future.
I'm not wanting to throw stones at anyone. But I never want to say that which is evil is suddenly "good." (No matter how many times the world proclaims it to be so.)
Excellent comments. Just because a person admits "I'm not perfectly pure and holy" doesn't deny that person the right to know and speak the truth. And that is not being a hypocrite. It's being loyal and faithful to the truth.