Exactly. The Pacific is a big ocean, with lots going on. I wont be quick to assign blame.
I'm pretty sure Sargo did in the 70s as well.
My brother-in-laws son served on the Pogy in the early 90's. The son has some awesome pictures of the conn punched through the ice at the North Pole. I think they did it deliberately......
My brother-in-laws personalized license plate is "Pogy".
During one of my husband's first underways they hit something unchartered. Scared everyone to death, including me, because the message I got was that there was a problem but that "no one died". Had to wait almost a full 24 hours until the meeting.
I'm pretty sure the CO was around for another couple of years.
I was out of the service by the 70s and was totally disinterested in reading the news by then.
I don't remember hearing about the Pogy. I did a search on the Pogy and could find no reference to the Pogy running aground or hitting an underwater mountain. Could you please elaborate?
Highspeed runs are only as safe as the accuracy of the charts.