Smut-mouth! Do you actually eat with that thing?
- Ex-nuke; never failed an ORSE board and thank my luck stars I didn't!
Didn't ever "pass" an ORSE.
Was M-Div for engineroom steaming and core fill, flush, hydro's, RCA on our pre-crit inspection, had three years in EB trying to build the d*mn thing. 5 years, 6 different shipyards and two subs - and less than 6 weeks at sea. Heck, I was destiend for repair duty even before I got to a sub school: had 4 months pre-com duty and launch crew on 698, and finished prototype early, and then got assigned "work order paperwork officer" even before I got out of S1W.
.... Does that count? 8<)
Five more years overhauling the buggers at Mare ISland - That's when I got familar fixing the 575 and finally decomming and towing the 575 and a little on the 571, fixing the 683 and 687, and fixing 688's and regular 637's.
Had probably 3 years total sitting on solid-solid charging pump pressure control while at EB, NNSY, and Norfolk NSY. Saw more ways of keeping a reactor solid than most others probably ever needed to, including 1-way and 2-way valve op water flask floats and conventional air bubbles in the pressurizer. Was in four years before we ever had our first "shutdown to hot standby", and kept a bubble in the pressurizer!
Its a bit difficult taking a coolant sample when you're solid-solid, what the ELT drains has to get immediately replaced by the charging pump. A 2 degree drop in the outside temperature cools the reactor compartment, and that cools the primary, and that reduces primary pressure several dozen psi!