Hi I love the Ghost pings! I wanted to mention two things:
1) One day many years ago, I came to the conclusion that the Ouija board I had was eveil so I threw gasoline on it and burnt it. As it was buring it hissed. Yes it made a hissing noise.
2) I found and bought a copy of the movie "THE SENTINEL" - Please get it. Its about a woman who moves into a house and meets many "neighbors". I dont want to spoil it but I will say that the movie has been scaring me since I was a kid but it also reinforces my strong belief of good over evil. Its inspiring to see the power and love of Jesus prevail over the most horrible of things. Its a great movie and its on DVD!
I've seen the Sentinel, and it's a very good movie. I may have to get that one on DVD. As for that hissing noise, I've heard the same from logs in my fireplace. I wouldn't read anything into that.