Like most of these articles it also fails to mention the repetitive pattern that Schwarzenegger presents. Long on ideas, short on specifics and no accomplishments within the time frame at hand.
We heard this same rhetoric late in the fall of 2003, again in the spring of 2004 and now a third time in early 2005. Talk is cheap and the only changes that Schwarzenegger has actually accomplish has been to raise state spending 6% to the highest level in the state's history, increase per-capita taxation to the highest level in California's history, increase state indebtedness to the highest level in California's history and, of course, his propensity to keep making lofty speeches with no or little results.
You bet ya. Schwarzenegger is Austria's most well known, living citizen. Just wish he would move back.
Arnie's California Performance Review is underwhelming at best, and dangerous at worst. "Long on ideas, short on specifics and no accomplishments" pretty well sums it up.
The legislature is not incentivized to deliver supporting legislation and the initiative process (as mandated by the state constitution) limits initiatives to one issue. It would take a MANY initiatives to implement the few good ideas found in the agenda.