I've read Victor Hugo, all his works that have been translated. They are great books, though they invariably leave you crying at the injustice.
Ayn Rand listed Hugo as one of the greatest romantic authors ever. If you are going to count the pages to determine if a book is readable, then I suggest you are either reading for the wrong reasons or suffer from an attention disorder.
NEVER have and
NEVER shall count the pages of a book,in order to determine whether I want to read it or not.But perhaps YOU should reread my post,before you take umbrage at my LAUGHING at the size of LES MISERABLE!
I WAS 13 YEARS OLD and by that time,I had probably read infinitely more books,of that caliber,than you've read to date;not to mention the fact that I understood them all and that I read through ALL of Hugo that summer,as well as the required reading from my school.Oh yes,and I've even managed to read some of Hugo's works in the original French,pet. ;^)
Perhaps it is you who suffer from ADD,ADHD,and/or a terminal case of juvenile snottiness.