For example, have no intention of reading your link on blacks and SS reform mainly because it an attempt to change the subject, I am aquainted with the demographic data, and I don't plan to try to dispute it. Blacks die younger, everything flows from that fact.
Another good reason to read the article before you inpeach it because of its source is that that source could well be accurate. As a member of the UN council on Aging, the US is entitled to be include her position. The man that Bush appointed rep to that Council was also appointed to Bush's SS reform commission and had previously served as aid/advisor to the congressional committee and happens to be a card-carrying libertarian.
Addtionally, the data will likely be accurate. The demographic data collected by the UN Aging council will be the same data collected by Heritage, which will be the same data collected by the US Census Bureau. There was nothing inaccurate in the article I linked you to. However, it is important for me to emphazise that even tho the data, facts, and stats are accurate, it doesn't follow that one would rely on or agree with the conclusions or the positions based on that data, facts and stats. As you pointed out in an earlier reply the Council took a position critical of the Prez's plan to privatize SS based on the same data,facts, and stats that you or I would use to support the Prez.
Let me apply this concept to the illegals.
I would never, but never rely on anything found at the immigration sites such as FAIR, American Patrol, VDare, etc or from most of the columnists such as Malkin for the simple reason that they are trying to "punch your button" since punching buttons is the method that they use to create demand for what they are offering. On the other hand, Americas Policy publishes reliable data, facts and stats but their conclusions and positions are generally, but not always, hogwash. On the other hand, I find that the data ,stats, and facts published at the Heritage Foundation to be accurate and I tend to agree with their conclusions.
Don't obfuscate...and why don't you just admit you're a liberal socialist?