Understandable, but faith in the Creator must be greater than that. If the Evolutionists test, let them test. God's decrees will far surpass the scrutiny of mortal man, no questions. Yet, the indications are there the earth and hosts of heaven bear witness to the timelessness of their Creator. One must observe the heavens and see the stars are totally out of man's reach - yet they consistantly reach us with their steady, faithful stream of light - much like the Sovereign.
I have yet to find credible evidence in scripture supporting a young earth, but much to support the theory Adam's race toward death didn't begin until after he was removed from paradise.
That, my friend, is supported by Genesis - but then, it's only my theory of creation too.
I have considered the possibility that Adam and Eve lived for an untold number of years in the Garden prior to the fall. However one scripture does not permit me to fully embrace that possibility.
Gen 5:5 And all the days that Adam lived were nine hundred and thirty years: and he died (emphasis added).
It has become my opinion that the Holy Spirit is very cautious in how He words things. Short of the Holy Spirit personally revealing to me that this verse only meant after the fall, I must take it at face value in order to maintain intellectual honesty.
I am aware that my attempts at being intellectually honest does not ascertain a correct view of truth. My views on certain passages have changed from time to time, but I can say that it has always been tied to ignorance as opposed to forcing the scripture to fit into a formula. This is all that we can do.
To both azhenfud and nightdriver; thank you for your comments. I look forward to hearing from you both again.