I'm with you. There are only so many movies worth my time and those are the ones I will watch. I'd rather watch Young Frankenstein 3 times than to see 3 random new releases.
The star system is really quite lame imho, since films are packaged and build around a personality. But like sports, it is also most fair to pay heavily for the actors who draw in a crowd and sell tickets. I agree that the result is usually a bad product but most people are not like me when it comes to films. They go to see Kevin Costner or whatever and pass some time, not to listen to sound design or marvel at the ligthing techniques.
Movies take so long and are so expensive to produce, compared to books and music. There are several hundre English language movies made every year, but I will never see more than a dozen of them, even on TV. In a normal Year I see about four movies in the theater and about two a month at home.
I realize I am unusual, but even movie fans have limits. It's like eating candy. Everyone eventually reaches a point where they don't want more. I think movies might reach this point, at least in rentals.
One market not exploited is old movies. I would buy old movies at the right price. Five dollars is about my limit. I would not rent them at any price if I have to worry about late fees.