"Chill baby. You still got the numbers and the power. There are only 12 million Jews on this planet and 1.5+ billion Christians. Stop getting so wound up when Jews don't toe your party line."
Really now, the Promise to Abraham was that his seed would be as the stars of heaven and the sands of the sea, now those are uncountable numbers.
Aside from that, what about those "10" tribes that Christ called the "lost sheep" that would not know who they were?
Now would you care to explain why this nation a Christian nation from it inception is the most blessed nation in all of recorded history. The blessings were promised and we today are witnesses to those very blessings.
AND even more to the point all those 12 sons are named and their inheritance is listed and there is more than one tribe Judah.
With all due respect, the United States isn't a 'christian' nation it is a G-dly or G-dfearing nation, which is much better imho.
Those lost tribes are people that were exiled for going after false gods, taken into captivity and learneded pagan ways. Those that later adopted pagan ways from the Hellenized Romans and called themselves christians are still pagans under another name.
Anyone not adhering to the original faith, such as those taken into captivity were APOSTATE. The idea is that over the millenia, certain individuals would sense, and realize their need for something more and a return to their 'roots', their Hebraic roots no less and return home and not be lost anymore.