Hi Lori...bet your counting down the days until Inauguration. You can bet I'll be there in spirit. BTW...don't know if I told you I was elected Vice-Pres. of our Rotary Club...will take over the Presidency in 3 years. YIKES! (They caught me at a weak moment when they asked me to run!)
LOL!! Gotta be on guard for those "weak moments". ;-)
I know you will do just fine as Rotary Pres. Just remember, DELEGATE! JK says that's the only way you can do it. LOL. He is "sort of" enjoying his year, I think....but says that having to run the weekly meetings is a little difficult. If it was only once or twice a month, it wouldn't be too bad, but to have have to prepare for a meeting every Friday is rough. His year will be up sometime next summer. All of his projects are going well, so that somewhat makes up for the stress of running weekly meetings.
I am so sorry that I won't get to see you at the Ball, but I understand why you can't go this year. I was looking forward to meeting Aqua also, and it is not going to work out so she can go either. :-(