Oh and I have not even touched upon the hardships we had to face as a result of sanctions imposed upon India by America and ofcourse the huge amount of millitary aid given to our neighbour Pakistan which ultimately was put to use against India......but still we are grateful to whatever help America provided us.
The hardships you endured are americas fault? I think not.
I see it as a direct result of religious beleifs where people starve while cows are worshipped and not eated,
of a caste system where a large portion of the population is considered underclass
and starving because they supposedly deserve it because of some past life problems,
of a political system that didn't take aid and creat agriculture to feed, but heavy industry for profit.
Im betting your just one of the fortunate ones that got an education, no?
I joke with my Amerrican friends about you too, and they laugh, you should too.