A real war between the US and North Vietnam should last a year, tops. Moreover, there is no rational way anybody can ask draftees to fight in such a thing or draft the boy next door and tell him it's somehow or other his patriotic duty to go into harms way for something which clearly amounts to a geopolitical game with no semblence of a declaration of war or a real commitment. Exactly. If someone wants to put his butt on the line exclusively for the benefit of another country, let him be a mercenary.
Our military exists to serve our national interest, and it was either a stretch or complete BS to suggest Vietnam was an important national interest.
And after all these years, why haven't the Vietnamese taken out the commie bastards if it was such an important cause? Are they waiting for us to save them from themselves, like the Moos keep begging us to do?
In Communist-enslaved Vietnam...
the only ones with the guns...
are the Communists in control,
who see any Vietnamese inside Vietnam...
wanting to exercise their...
basic human rights as...
TERRORISTS to be handled accordingly.