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I am a former Episcopalian (6th or 3rd generation, depending on whether you count an intervening Methodist in the line). We hung on through the prayer book changes and ordination of women, even though it was plain that secular politics had won over Scripture and Tradition.
The ordination of Vicky Gene was the last straw - sort of the public seal of approval on everything that had gone before.
We were surprised at how Scriptural, reverent, and alive our local Catholic parish is. We should have made the change long ago - everything we loved about the Episcopal Church is alive and well in the Catholic Church - plus you have rock-ribbed moral teaching and absolutely solid Apostolic Succession.
We're fortunate to have a good old-fashioned Irish rector, a young parochial vicar who is a serious, devout man, and a dynamite team of permanent deacons. I guess you do have to be a little careful about your parish, from what I read here on FR some have gone a little loopy. We have a new Archbishop which is making me nervous . . . but so far everything he's said has been strictly orthodox.