Here's the cake-taker about Buffet.
One time, he was at a lunch at which many Senators and Congresspeople were in attendance.
He starts his speech with the following:
"Ladies and Gentleman, I've won the ovary lottery. . ."
And goes on to say what an advantage he had being born a white, male, American in the 20th century.
So, the upshot was simply that he was just lucky. That's it. No hard work, no sacrifice, no risks - just a product of being the right zygote at the right time.
He's the guy on Rush's parody commercial about affluenza. He's a punk. Nothing more. The speech is supposed to be self-deprecating, but ends up peeing all over every other person's achievement by dint of:
1. He's richer than you.
2. All it took was luck the of the ovary lottery.
I have no time for Mr. Buffet.
I think this is a true statement. First, if you want to have the greatest chance to be financially successful in the last 100 years, you should be born in the US, white is better than black, hispanic or asian, and male is better than woman.
Winning the ovary lottery is not all that is required for success, but tell me where the above statement is wrong.