Ukraine's extreme right-wing nationalist political group, the National Ukrainian Assembly-Ukrainian People for Unity, or UNA-UNSO, and its newspaper Za Vilny Ykrainy have become notorious for their anti-Russian and anti-Semitic views since the movement's founding in 1991 following the merger of various nationalist groups. UNA-UNSO leaders, who describe their party as "fascist," maintain that Ukraine has "no time for such foolish things as democracy" and admire the Irish Republican Army. UNA-UNSO has now issued "An appeal to Ukrainian troops in Iraq." The appeal reads, "Based upon 400-years experience of the national liberation movement of Ukrainian people, we appeal to the Ukrainian military contingent in Iraq to turn your bayonets against U.S. troops and join the rebels. Ukraine and progressive mankind will be proud of you!"
They should remember what happened the last time a bunch of f**king Nazis turned their bayonets against American soldiers!