Taiwan is part of that seismic zone, just like southern California - where I am located. Of course, there is no place totally immune to some sort of natural disaster. Just pick your poison!
i'M IN NW New Mexico now helping step dad care for my mother who has Alzheimer's.
But, God seems to be OK-ing me going back to Taipei to teach for fall 2005.
New Mexico just lacks water. We have coal powered power plants which could be targeted but probably way down on the list.
Otherwise, pretty stable, safe area.
But my heart is in Taipei with the loveable Chinese students and culture.
Taipei is built mostly on a flood plain by a river and not that far from the sea--maybe 5-8 miles or so.
The area I prefer to live in is on the hillside of a supposedly dead volcano but which has hot springs so it must not be totally dead! LOL.
Anyway--being where God would have me should be the maximum safety and to live is Christ to die is gain so--PTL regardless.