I am a soldier and first thing I hope for is war as a last resort...unfortunately for any terrorist faction they attacked us first....yes peace through any means is a nice 'Idea"...truthfully I don't see flying a giant puppet dove stopping a war or terrorist from hating the white devil at all
The only message this kind of tripe sends to our enemies is exactly what it sent during the Vietnam War. That the United States has citizens who lack the resolve to fight for what they want. Fortunately, it seems that at least during the start of this war, we have leadership who understands what it takes to secure freedom.
I do believe, however, that sometimes war IS a viable answer to bring about some measure of peace in the world. For some peoples, who believe as our enemies do, war and death is all they know. For those nations and the terrorists they support, we must be prepared to oblige them. In these times I think people, especially those within our own borders should be toeing the line for "Victory" rather than "Peace at minimal cost"