Trajan88; TAMU Class of '88
film = buggy whip
---I'm still old school... my Leica M6 continues to perform like a champ without the help of bits and bytes.---
I keep a Canon F-1N with motor drive. I don't shoot with it much, but it's just such a beautiful piece of equipment. I shoot with a Pentax *istD DSLR and a Pentax 645, also a Deardorff 8x10 on occassion. I contact print the 8x10s and scan the 645s. I like the medium format transparancies and when I can find a suitable lens will put an old Rollei 6x6 projector back into service.
Digital cameras already outperform most films. That would include all negatve films sold as consumer products.
Kodachrome remains superior to digital, but large format digital cameras (costing tens of thousands of dollars) are gradually taking over magazine and catalog potography.
I think digital cameras produce better amateur snapshots than any film camera, and that's what drives the market.
Don't know if you are interested, but Panasonic has partnered with Leica for their mid-to-high end digital cameras. The Panasonic DMC-FZ20K has a 12x optically stabilized zoom Leica lens (equivalent to a 36mm to 432mm 35mm lens) and a 5 megabyte CCD for about $470. Sadly Santa had other plans, so it will be on my Christmas list for yet another year.