Not willing to argue about whether they exist or not etc. Have studied it as long as I have Bible prophecy--since Jr High. Started out as an interest in Sci Fiction. Then I realized there were implications regarding end times Bible prophecy.
Ended up having a close relative and others I knew work around UFO type craft in secret government locations.
Anyway--that said . . .
I believe that the puppet masters busy setting up the evil global government predicted so clearly in Scripture--those puppet masters are also in charge of the UFO tech transfers from ET's etc. and SOMEWHAT TRYING to be in charge of all contacts with ET's. ET's can sometimes have their own notions of how things go.
It APPEARS TO ME that 95-99% of the better known types of ET's are in cahoots with satan. Therefore, they must end up supporting the world government. All the reports involve deception or at least not very Christ-like behavior in way most to virtually all cases that seem one way or the other at all.
I do NOT believe that ALL ET's are "only" or "merely" demons in bioengineered bodies or whatever. I believe that at least some of the ET's are from other worlds. I do believe they are in cahoots with satan regarding controlling mankind and sabotaging God's plans for saving individuals.
I believe that the puppet masters have set it up to go either way--(A) casting ET's as saviors of mankind from man's own evils vis a vis pollution, wars etc. . . . just take the SLAG [SLave tAG] chip implant to protect us from terrorism; join the citizenship of the world and the NEW AGE from our space 'brothers.' NOT!
(B) casting ET's as conquerors--we have to form a world government to join in fighting off the evil ET's seeking to eat us.
Either way the evil globalists win. Werner von Braun said it would be the latter scenario. He [wrongly, to my view] saw ET's as benign to wonderful.
Either way--many people will see such powers, technologies and reality more or less literally being turned inside out/upside down as utter hopelessness. Secularism has driven such a wedge between individuals and THE ABSOLUTE TRUTHS OF THE GOSPEL that many will be tooooo prone to fear driven collapse when faced with such rapidly unfolding, mind boggling changes to the status quo.
To me, it's part and parcel of the SIGNS IN THE HEAVENS that the Bible speaks of.