John Kerry, Ramsey Clark, and others who are behind this current division were behind the 1960s radical separatism as well. They inspired their followers to burn down armories, recruiting centers, assassinate law enforcement officers, and plotted to kill elected congressmen. Same vicious circle.
Those same radicals (who are brethren to the bomb throwing communists and anarchists of the 1920s in America) would look on 12 years of Reagan-Bush as a low point of 25 years of American politics.
All too true. When we trace the lineage of ideas and recruitment, it becomes clear that we are still fighting the struggle between Marxism and the principles of self-government laid down in the Constitution. The division of Western civilization in the Enlightenment remains unhealed, with self-government based on freedom and faith pitted against materialism aiming at the forcible perfection of man guided by science and reason.