Yes sure. One was inside a sweat lodge and I sure wasn't ingesting any peyote at the time either *lol* I encountered a being that definately wasn't human and not what I'd describe as demonic either. Old Navajo people will talk about 'star people' and visitors from other worlds a lot. I can't say that other students in the Native American club held that belief at all. If they did, it's because they watch Star Trek like me.
I presented a seminar at a center in upstate NY. A fellow presenter was Ed McGaa, an Oglala Sioux, highly decorated Nam fighter pilot, candidate for SD governor at one time, and generally a really good guy.
I literally crossed paths with him on a walking path, turned back to say something to him and clearly saw a huge image of an eagle over his head. Seen against the tree behind him, the image was was more than 10-feet high. Needless to say his Indian name is Eagle Man.
He privately told me the story of a vision quest his elders sponsored for him on the reservation before he went into the Air Force. Don't know whether it's in any of his books, but it was truly, powerfully spooky tale. After the ceremony, he went off to war unafraid. I think I have it tucked away in a file if you're interested. I believed him because he was so powerfully projecting his own eagle spirit. I think that's how it works.
I'm always interested in these things, btw.
How about 3-5 more paragraphs of description about the beings that you assessed as nondemonic etc. I'm serious.
My new neighbors, who claim to be "native American," have built 2 sweat lodges in their back yard here in suburban Miami. 'Course, they are very caucasion and white looking, and bear a Jewish surname, so who knows what's up with that. Also, they have parked an elk skull, festooned with feathers, in a tree. I will be happy if they don't beat lots of tom toms, I guess.