Note that the old SW ranch families of Spanish blood are often the victims of violent crimes and felony theft by illegal aliens and are right up at the top in demanding strict enforcement and severe punishment.
I say reciprocal statutes and regs with Mexico, ME Islamic countries, Euros, Sudan, Zimbabwe, Red China, Asia.
A Yucatan Mexico Mayor was recently in Massachussetts demanding LEOs give "special rights" to illegal aliens with no driver's licenses or insurance and vehices unlawfully registered in RI.
In California law enforcement officers have been ordered by cities to ignore illegal alien drivers breaking the law and just stick to arresting honest American citizen drivers.
States are already giving illegal aliens preferential/discriminatory "in-state resident" reduced tuitions and grants and scholarships yet an honest born-in-the-USA student from an adjoining state pays top dollar out-of-state-resident tuition, in effect paying twice, once for themselves, once or twice more to subsidize illegal alien students leeching of our lifeblood and taxes.
As Social Security gets more and more financed by less and less honest hard working American citizens the illegal aliens scam onto the massive social welfare freepies given by libs and radical nutcase federal judges and Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, Food Stamp cards, and SSI even go to illegals with fake birth certificates and "bought" (NJ again!) driver's licenses and then Social Security cards and voter registration.
Eventually (and soon) folks will get fed up and start ignoring selective "unfair" laws - Pseudo-Vigilantees will increase and income taxes and sales taxes will be considered "unfair" and tax non-compliance rates (over 20% right now and growing fast) will soar and the SCOTUS nightmare - Public loses much or all respect for law and courts - Becomes a reality.
Violent felinies = lose their hands, heads, hearts.
It's so very diverse and sophisticated.
I also say any coyotes, groups, employers knowingly smuggling in or hiding/supporting illegal aliens that end up killing her must get capital punishment just like the killer.
My "cures" are not subtle or sensitive, just instantly effective and a warning to all others.
Exactly --- the SW USA actually had very very low crime rates up until recently -- and they've now got the highest in the USA. People didn't used to lock their doors in the area I'm in ---- but immigration since the 80's has drastically changed that -- and it's iron bars on all the doors and windows. "Hispanics" have told me they would leave their doors unlocked in case a neighbor needed to borrow a cup of sugar while they aere out --- but since so much riff-raff from Mexico has moved over they've all been burglarized and can't live that open friendly life they always had. And that's why you see the border region's residents eager for restrictions on who and what comes over the border.