Because if a illegal Russian, Pole, etc. shot someone, it would not get posted in the same manner that a "less desireable" ethnicity does.
Of course, in terms of numbers, the main problem is with Mexican immigration.
Careful.... someone's apt to call you a Storm Front or whatever for saying such a thing.
Because if a illegal Russian, Pole, etc. shot someone, it would not get posted in the same manner that a "less desireable" ethnicity does.
Bull crap. You are a mind reader now? You are qualified to infer these things? The racism exists in your fevered race-baiting mind.
RINOOBLs = MALDEF = La Raza = MeCha. They all see racism lurking under every bed, they all want wide open borders. Only the motives are different: RINOOBLs want to keep the open pipeline to dirt-cheap ILLEGAL alien labor.