>new species of human
If it's a new *species*, then it is not HUMAN.
You have to understand these people really don't know what in heck they're talking about. They find a cave full of crushed monkey skulls and a few dead intact humans, so they report finding a new species by mixing the monkey and human bones.. In the orient - nonetheless - where monkey brains are part of the menu. Lucy, Neanderthal man, etc, one lie after another.
Neanderthal man was found in Neander and was actually a normal human with arthritis in the spine. Scientists are nothing more than good liars selling a religious belief when it comes to this stuff. It's amazing. They should all be in jail for fraud.
It's fair in that context to take "human" broadly. Neanderthal was supposedly a different species of human as well. The key element of the term "human", I suppose, being bipedism, or perhaps evidence of a culture.