To: timpad; scott0347; Conspiracy Guy
*chewing on toothpick*
I dunno 'bout no trifecta trolls, I just know we hafta pave 'em afterwards..
But I hafta consult on the final cost of pavin' a trifecta troll, them bein' rare and all.
137 posted on
12/17/2004 2:35:37 PM PST by
("His heart went dead underneath her gaze" - The Book of Foreshadowed Sorrows.)
To: Darksheare
Triple the asphalt, triple the right-of-way, it's a nightmare!
139 posted on
12/17/2004 2:37:29 PM PST by
(The Wizard Tim - Keeper of the Holy Hand Grenade, Finder of Obscurata)
To: Darksheare
But I hafta consult on the final cost of pavin' a trifecta troll, them bein' rare and all. If this is a rare California Trifecta Troll, the environmental impact study will take years. Why don't I just plant him with some nice indigenous poppies?
160 posted on
12/17/2004 3:12:17 PM PST by
Not A Snowbird
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