Because adults have the power to choose what they do and don't want to do. If it is "perverted" (whatever that means), it is of their own free will, and as long as they don't involve me in it, I don't care. Children, OTOH, have little or no voice in what happens to them. In addition, the latest, and very recent, fruit fly research indicates strongly that homosexuality in the animal kingdom (and thus, very possibly, also in humans) is caused by errant genes rather than upbringing or experience. Do a search on "fruit fly" at Google or read this article from the Independent:
Sexuality determined by nature or nurture? Fruit fly gives the answer.
Spare me.
One can find this or that "scientific" finding being touted as the proof of a gay gene almost quarterly for the last twenty years. Let's not make any mistakes about this...your evasion about being attracted to children is stark testament to the fact that "popular culture" wants to find a way to absolve homosexuality of its moral blemish, and will be more than happy to provide an "anecdote of the week" to keep the faithful satisfied.